March 26, 2008

Make a List - Now is the Time!

Now or ...
Make a List - Now is the Time!
We make New Year resolutions, which last maybe a few weeks before life gets back to normal. Outside of that maybe you get impressed by some new fad (Dr. Atkins' Diet!) or there is a life event (Parenthood!), which may cause you to start something new.

What about starting something new - just because you can. Seth Godin recently asked his readers to make a list of things that you probably could understand if you put your mind to it, but don't. His rational is pretty simple - with the tools and technology available to most of us today - it's faster, easier and cheaper now than ever before.

So here is some food for thought!
  • What is web 2.0?
  • Do you understand application architecture?
  • How do you design and host a website?
  • How many flavors of sourcing exist and why?
  • What makes a blog successful?
  • How does Google make money?
  • What is cloud computing?
  • How do you make a widget?
  • Is open source really open source?
  • Why is social networking so hot?

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